U.S. Army Air Force WWII Films

Public.Resource.Org is a non-profit established to digitize government public-domain material for online use. The following two full-length U.S. Army Air Force films have been digitized by the organization and uploaded to YouTube.

Normandy: The Airborne Invasion of Fortress Europe (50 minutes)


Expansion to Air Power (40 minutes)


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4 Responses to U.S. Army Air Force WWII Films

  1. zoobreRef says:

    Just want to say what a great blog you got here!
    I’ve been around for quite a lot of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation of your work!

    Thumbs up, and keep it going!


  2. Jeff Elgas says:

    Good job!

  3. Sim says:

    I read a lot of blogs recently and yours is one of the best. I enjoy reading your posts.

  4. Brilliant stuff! Great to see these WWII videos and documentaries! We do see plenty of motion picture and films about all this but a larger than life documentary about WWII is something that lacks. This is as close to reality as it gets.

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