
Locomotive Truck

Japanese Locomotive Truck

The partial disruption of the Burma railway system has brought into being a very effective locomotive truck. One report states that use of the Japanese locomotive truck has not only aided in the transportation of supplies over damaged rail lines, it has made it possible to carry over the damaged railroad considerably more tonnage than could be moved by the use of locomotives alone.

The “Loco-truck” is a highly specialized vehicle specifically designed to overcome the problem of breaks in the rails. The inner sections of the six wheels are cut to run along rail tracks; the outer sections are designed for tire mounts. On both front and rear of the truck are two permanently attached hydraulic jacks equipped with rollers. To remove the vehicle from the tracks, it is necessary to put one rail under the rear jacks and one under the front jacks at right angles to the tracks, lift the truck off the rails, and roll the truck to the side. The truck is then let down on its wheels, driven past the break in the rail line, and returned to the tracks.

A diesel engine estimated at about 60 horsepower is used to power the vehicle. Overall length, including couplings, is 19 feet, 2 inches and width is 6 feet, 3 inches.

Japanese: p. 26.1 (April 1, 1945)