
Dieseleisber. 40 Anh. (1 achs.) fahrbar: Diesel Engine Ice Maker

Dieseleisber. 40 Anh. (1 achs.) fahrbar: Diesel Engine Ice MakerGerman nomenclature: Dieseleisbereiter 40 als Anhänger (1 achs.) fahrbar.

English designation: Transportable diesel engine ice maker 40 on trailer (single axle).


Net weight         3,270 kg         7,209 lb.
Pay load 1,350 kg 2,965 lb.
Gross weight 4,620 kg 10,174 lb.
Weight: Front axle
Length (overall) 4,740 mm 15 ft., 7 ins.
Width (overall) 2,260 mm 7 ft., 5 ins.
Height (overall) 2,510 mm 8 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 240 mm 9 1/2 ins.
Tread centers 1,240 mm 4 ft., 1 in.
Wheel width
Angle of approach
Angle of departure
Seating capacity
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (crosswise)

German: p. 74.81