
Fsp. Verm. Anh. (2 achs.) (Ah. 468): Telephone Exchange Trailer

German nomenclature: Fern­sprech-Ver­mitt­lungsanhänger (2 achs.) (Ah. 468). English designation: Tele­phone ex­change trailer (twin axled). SPECIFICATIONS Net weight       3,360 kg       7,407 lb.Pay load2,120 kg4,673 lb.Gross weight5,480 kg12,080 lb.Weight: Front axle 2,440 kg5,380 lb.Weight: Rear axle3,040 kg6,702 lb.Length (overall) 6,800 mm22 ft., 4 ins.Width (overall)2,400 mm7 ft., 10 1/2 ins.Height (overall)1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.Ground clearance 300 mm11 […]

Fsp. Verm. Anh. (2 achs.) (Ah. 468): Telephone Exchange TrailerGerman nomenclature: Fern­sprech-Ver­mitt­lungsanhänger (2 achs.) (Ah. 468).

English designation: Tele­phone ex­change trailer (twin axled).

Net weight       3,360 kg       7,407 lb.
Pay load2,120 kg4,673 lb.
Gross weight5,480 kg12,080 lb.
Weight: Front axle 2,440 kg5,380 lb.
Weight: Rear axle3,040 kg6,702 lb.
Length (overall) 6,800 mm22 ft., 4 ins.
Width (overall)2,400 mm7 ft., 10 1/2 ins.
Height (overall)1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Ground clearance 300 mm11 7/8 ins.
Tread centers1,820 mm 6 ft.
  2,060 mm6 ft., 9 ins.
Wheel width
Angle of approach
Angle of departure
Seating capacity10
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise)
Turning radius

German: p. 74.88